Just in time, here’s your weekly update on…the acoustic metal scene?
Well, at least according to Ryan Adams. This is a guy I blow hot and cold on, mostly cold in the last, um, decade, but I can’t deny that he’s capable of some incredible stuff.
These tracks fall into that category, or at least they did two nights ago after a couple of Shiner Bocks. If you’ve ever wondered how these songs would sound without the Marshall stacks and vocals of castrato fury, here’s your chance.
Round and Round (Ratt Cover) by geraldinewaters
Ryan Adams – “Wasted Years” (Iron Maiden Cover) by TwentyFourBit.com
Apprised of my sudden interest in Ryan Adams, my friend and neighbor Dan suggested this. Check it out: it’s a blinder.
P.S. Just discovered that the powers that be have decreed that I may not embed the unholy spawn of Ryan Adams and Ratt. Try this link instead (go ahead and click. It’s really good!).: