Sister Rosa Lyrics

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Sister Rosa Lyrics
well her name was Rosa/she sang Moon River
she sang it like nobody else
she stood by the microphone/but not too close
and she filled up that stage/all by herself
well outside they were towing cars/inside they were drinking
and they had all brought their scars/gonna bleed their way to fame
well she wore a cheap dress but she was/no damsel in distress
she opened her mouth and i lost track of my name
Sister Rosa/sing so sweet and high
pull me into your Moon River/as you go sailing by
well the devil sat next to me, he had a martini in each hand
and he was buying but i just don’t drink gin
and he poured his words out like water in the desert
said it’s been way too long since i had a swim, and he said
son i don’t see no ring/let go of your good thing
settle the bill with your wages of sin
don’t know whether to run or hide or take this ride
i don’t see no one by her side
and when that Moon River came rollin’ i
jumped my body in
Sister Rosa/sing so sweet and high
pull me into your Moon River/as you go sailing by
and she said/i don’t know the words
well that’s alright/and she said
i can’t carry a tune/well don’t get uptight
and then she closed her eyes and we were all out of sight
and she sang like a whole choir of angels all through the night
whoa Rosa keep on singin’
ooh yeah
well it was last call for alcohol and all the model citizens had gone home
i was left with the devil and man he was sauced
so we took a walk around the block and i
got my soul back outta hock and he
left in a cloud of brimstone and exhaust and i
don’t know if i won or if i lost
Sister Rosa/sing so sweet and high
pull me into your Moon River/as you go sailing by

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