Google Analytics says the darnedest things… As anybody who has a website knows (or should know) the outside world finds innumerable weird and wonderful paths to your online front door. Checking your stats is no one’s idea of a rock’n’roll good time, but every week or so, I enjoy just looking at the various search […]
Category: Blog
Can late nights on the Internet, the all-seeing eye of the luxury travel industry, and strange songs about colonial oppression in Mexico make you famous…in Spain? Well, maybe not famous, but the above combination may be enough to get you some nice ink on an interesting Spanish blog – this one, right here: Trujillo Villas […]
The next demo for the new album is up! Click the player below to check it out – and if you have a comment, I’d love to hear it…
The next demo for the new album is up! Click the player below to check it out – and if you have a comment, I’d love to hear it…
Working to fit in a summer road trip before it’s too late? Well, you’re in luck – I just wrote an article for a cool new music blog that should give you some ideas for songs to take along… P.S. Thanks to Hardcore Troubadour for publishing this!
These are from the audience at the Stork Club show a few weeks ago (thanks, Colin). No, the camera/cameraman was not on acid; it’s just hard to get good photos in a punk rock club with an iPhone. After midnight. When there’s PBR involved. Just click the image (or click here) to see a few […]
So it’s 2 am, you’ve just been politely but firmly escorted out of the Stork Club (Oakland version) by the bouncer with the one gold tooth, and, due to an unfortunate miscommunication, someone else is driving away in your car, leaving you standing with the panhandlers and crackheads circumnavigating the parking lot at the all-night […]
Happy Spring! Hope your year is shaping up well so far. Listen, I’ve actually got a lot of cool musical stuff coming down the pike, but I’ll have to save that for the next post, because this one is about – LIVE SHOW LIVE SHOW LIVE SHOW! Yup. Radio Nowhere will be playing the world-famous […]
I don’t know what came over the Isley Brothers in the early ’70s, but they apparently decided that beating the era’s chart-toppers at their own game was their new mission statement. Focusing on classic songs that: a) they really dug, and b) were really popular, the Isleys cut absolutely burning renditions of killer tracks from […]
Just in time, here’s your weekly update on…the acoustic metal scene? Well, at least according to Ryan Adams. This is a guy I blow hot and cold on, mostly cold in the last, um, decade, but I can’t deny that he’s capable of some incredible stuff. These tracks fall into that category, or at least […]