You Should Listen To This! Mark Ronson/Queens of the Stone Age

Hey People! I know, I know…you haven’t had any new music from me in a while. I’m hoping to change that pretty soon, but in the meantime, here are a couple of things you might like.
Up first, an absolutely smokin’ cover of Queens of the Stone Age‘s “I Sat By the Ocean”, from Mark Ronson & band. I. Cannot. Get. Over. This. Song.
Check the guitarist smiling at the drummer at about 4:40, and make sure you stay for the whole breakdown/outro. Just slays me.
I’ve watched this seventy-two times*.
(*All numbers approximate)
Second, a pretty bonkers article about one possible future of the music business and ecosystem, as seen by one Imogen Heap, who hopes the whole thing turns into a giant mushroom. Seriously.
The weirdest part is that I find myself totally agreeing with her. You? Would love to know what you think in the comments!


2 thoughts on “You Should Listen To This! Mark Ronson/Queens of the Stone Age

  • sweet – not surprised you’re keen on a three-guitar jam. i guess they figured four would be too many so they hired a keyboard player to play bass?
    i think a good litmus test would be a “which guitarist are you?” quiz of the three seen here. cool shades guy, seated fabio, or spazzy baba ram dass doof warrior? i guess you can tell who i’m partial too.

    • Well, I guess I’d like to think I’m as suave & cool as Mr. Shades, but I’m probably a little closer to the spazzy guy. Definitely more into his sound – he’s got all these cool alien spacecraft landing noises! Buzzzooowwwwwwwww!


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