Journey – Pop Miracle or Satan's Spawn? – Discuss

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I just read a great post about Journey, apparently brought on by the use of “Don’t Stop Believin'” at the end of the Sopranos.
Read it here.
I’ll be honest: I like Journey. Liked them ever since high school, when my insane friend Steve bought all of their albums, including the pre-Steve Perry space-rock ones, and played them at 700 decibels on his super-spendy car stereo on the way to school every morning.
The Sopranos exposure seems to have brought other Journey fans out of the woodwork all over the internets. Should be interesting to see whether the full-fledged Journey renaissance that’s been threatening to break out for the last several years actually takes off this time.


2 thoughts on “Journey – Pop Miracle or Satan's Spawn? – Discuss

  • Dude – I love Journey and did way before the Sopranos. Hell, I never even saw the show. Last time I saw Journey was a hot day in Concord and all I know is that I woke up with my head in a tray of nacho cheese sauce.


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